Truly changed
It has truly changed my approach on everything.Makes Sense
J.B. made the Scriptures come together and make sense.Life Changing
J.B. used immense amounts of Scripture… I learn and grow quickly with this kind of teaching. This was life changing!Realized Who I Am
Helped me realize and confirm who I am and that God is faithful. Thank you!!
Rich in Scripture
I loved all the analogies you provided and how rich in Scripture your teachings are.
Thank you for being so real and helpful.
This is a great inspiration to help me with my family.
Renewing My Mind
I do really need to work on renewing my mind – not praying for God to renew it. That’s what I struggle with. I want peace to be my normal, natural state, and I know what I have learned will help me.
Changed Thinking
I have noticed a difference in the way I think, respond, feel and perceive things around me… God showed me that I was moving towards his promised land and the promises he has for me.